About Us
Sano Via Wellness is an advanced, unique clinic focusing on innovative methods for maintaining wellness and prevention or management of chronic diseases. We use a true integrative approach combining powerful natural and non-toxic allopathic methods. At Sano Via we give your body the tools to heal naturally, rather than relying primarily on artificial drugs. All diagnostic and therapeutic services are carried out under the supervision of Dr. Akbar Khan (University of Toronto Medical Class of ’92). In 2018 Dr. Khan was granted the designation of IMD (integrative medical doctor) by the Board of Integrative Medicine., and received the Order of Excellence in Integrative Medicine from the World Organization of Natural Medicines. In 2019 he was granted the title of FAAO, Fellow of the American Academy of Ozone Therapy. Working under Dr. Khan’s leadership are Dr. Doug Andrews, ND and our skilled nurses.
Our Healing Environment
We have carefully designed a high-tech healing environment for our patients. Warm colours, modern decor, soft LED lighting and comfortable furniture have been combined in a way to ensure that you will never feel like you are in a hospital or doctor’s office. Natural stone accents the clinic entrance, and patients are welcomed by the soothing presence of running water from a custom designed floor-to-ceiling indoor waterfall.
On certain days, patients will be greeted by Charlie or Hazel, our two Labrador Retriever therapy dogs. We provide reverse osmosis-purified water for drinking, and for making tea or coffee. The air in our office is purified each morning with a measured amount of ozone gas. Patients are treated in the privacy of individual rooms. There is an option to use one of two lounges, for those who like to watch educational videos, or prefer to speak with other patients.
Meet Our Staff
Our qualified staff are here to empower you on the path to optimal health. Everyone at Sano Via has personal experience with our current health system and its shortcomings. This motivates us to constantly develop and implement new ideas to overcome those obstacles, so you can benefit!

Akbar Khan, MD, IMD, DHS, FAAO
Dr. Akbar Khan is the founder and Medical Director of Sano Via. For 29 years his practice has consisted of providing personalized, innovative care for his patients. He has several publications in the field of metabolic cancer therapy. From 2015, Dr. Khan’s focus began to shift toward disease prevention and wellness. In 2018, he received the titles of “Integrative Medical Doctor” and “Doctor of Humanitarian Service” from the Board of Integrative Medicine. In the same year, Dr. Khan began training and certification in medical ozone therapy. Dr. Khan became one of only 3 physicians in Canada to earn a fellowship from the American Academy of Ozone Therapy in 2019.

Doug Andrews, BSc, ND
Dr. Doug Andrews is the Director of Naturopathic Medicine at Sano Via. He earned a Bachelor of Science in chemistry and biology at Queen’s University, and his doctorate at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2002. He has met the current standards for prescribing and intravenous therapy, and is licensed to perform acupuncture and hypnosis. Dr. Andrews is a member of the Canadian and Ontario Associations of Naturopathic Doctors and the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association. He also enjoys his role as a teaching assistant at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. Dr. Andrews’ areas of expertise include disease prevention, intravenous infusion therapy and hypnotherapy.

Humaira Khan, MBBS, MCPS, MHSc
Dr. Humaira Khan is the clinic president. She received her medical degree in 1990 from the internationally accredited Fatima Jinnah Medical College in Lahore, Pakistan. Dr. Khan was awarded the President’s Gold Medal for the highest standing in all 5 years of medical school, by the (late) Prime Minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto. She was involved in postgraduate medicine teaching in community medicine. After moving to Toronto, in 1997 she completed her MHSc (Masters in Health Sciences) in epidemiology at the University of Toronto. Dr. Khan has worked as a medical consultant for York Region Public Health, the Ontario Ministry of Health and Health Canada, prior to commencing her role as clinic president.

Margaret "Maggie" Delaney
Maggie has worked at the clinic since 2015. Due to her past experience of running a logistics company, Maggie started as our logistics manager, handling inventory, local shipments of medications, electronic cigarettes, and international shipment of lab specimens. In 2019 Maggie became the general office manager.

A Professional Approach to Your Care, Beyond Limited Conventional Strategies
Integrative Care
We believe in combining the best that natural medicine and allopathic medicine have to offer. That is why we have a medical doctor, naturopathic doctor and skilled nurses closely working together under one roof to help you on your healing journey.
Experienced Medical Staff
Our Medical Director Dr. Akbar Khan has over 25 years’ of clinical experience (wellness, addiction, surgery, pain & symptom control, cancer). Dr. Khan has published papers on metabolic cancer therapy and is often asked to give lectures in integrative medicine.
Natural Approach
Your body contains complex systems designed to work together to constantly maintain proper function. For this reason, we rarely “treat a disease” – rather we provide powerful support for your body to function optimally and recover naturally.
Innovative Treatments
We have learned from years of experience that our public health system is limited when it comes to prevention or managing chronic illness. We look beyond artificial boundaries to bring powerful and effective therapies to you without compromise.
The Power of Ozone
Ozone is a natural form of oxygen (O3) different than what we breathe (O2). The addition of precise amounts of ozone to the body acts as a powerful medical therapy. Our Medical Director is one of 3 ozone physicians in Canada who has fellowship certification with AAOT.
Evidence-Based Medicine
Medicine is a rapidly advancing beyond the capability of our public health system. We are in a unique position to look at evidence-based diagnostic and therapeutic solutions developed by doctors and scientists around the world, and bring them to our patients.
“Your Sano Via team will explain innovative and powerful solutions based on sound science with an emphasis on natural and non-toxic modalities”

Humaira Khan, MBBS, MCPS, MHSc

Sano Via - Empowering Wellness