Muscular Back Pain
A 30-year-old male with a 2 year history of mid and lower back pain visited Sano Via for a consultation. He was standing all day at work, bending and lifting boxes. Continue reading to learn how a simple therapy resulted in a substantial reduction of his pain.
Muscular Back Pain Resolved With Prolozone
Patient Background
James visited Sano Via for ProlozoneTM therapy to treat his back pain of about 2 years’ duration. James was required to stand all day at work, and also did a lot of bending and lifting boxes. He believed the pain may have been work related. James had been treated by multiple practitioners previously, including doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors and massage therapists, all with the same result: no improvement in pain. James was becoming depressed due to ongoing pain, which he felt he may be stuck with for the rest of his life.
James pointed out 3 distinct locations of pain on his back. These points were marked for Prolozone injection. None of the points were painful when pressure was applied.
Back injection technique for Prolozone therapy
Prolozone Treatment
Sano Via medical staff explained to James that ProlozoneTM may be useful. Risks and benefits were discussed. James decided to try the Prolozone due to very low risk level and good potential for pain reduction. With James lying comfortably face down, the areas to be injected were sterilized one at a time, then cooled with ethyl chloride spray for a few seconds to make the needle insertion painless. A fine needle was inserted into the muscles and fascia. Prolozone Anti-Inflammatory Formula (containing procaine and various natural medicines) was injected. This was followed by ozone injection at a precise concentration that is known to stimulate healing and reduce inflammation.
Immediate Pain Reduction
For the first time in 2 years, James felt pain reduction within minutes after the injections. All the pains had disappeared. This confirmed that the sources of pain were in fact the muscles and fascia (since they were anesthetized by the procaine). James felt so good that he went back to his full time job with no changes to his duties. Pain relief was sustained for about 1 week, then James returned for a second treatment. He reported that one of the painful spots was completely healed, and in 2 other spots, some pain had returned. When he attempted to point out painful spots, he had difficulty precisely locating them since the pains were far less than before. Two points were located and Prolozone therapy was repeated. Again there was immediate and dramatic reduction of pain following the injections.
Future Recommendations Including PRP
James was advised that the next series of injections should be performed with PRP (platelet-rich plasma), and that modification of duties at work would be mandatory for long-term treatment success. We also recommended analysis and correction of toxic substances in the body (such as heavy metals and pesticides), adjustment of vitamin D levels and testing for other factors that are known to contribute to slow healing.
Note: certain identifying information (name, age, sex etc.) may have been changed to protect patient privacy. This case report represents a patient outcome that we commonly observe. No therapy is perfect, so we cannot guarantee a positive outcome in every case. Prolozone is a trademark of Dr. Frank Shallenberger.
Prolozone Definitions

A term combining the words "procaine" and "ozone". Refers to injection of a mixture of procaine, vitamins, glucose and marine plasma into a joint, combined with ozone at a precise concentration.

A local anesthetic drug. Used to help correctly localize the needle when doing a Prolozone treatment, and to prevent discomfort related to injecting ozone into the body (can cause temporary pain).

PRP Injection
Blood sample with red and white cells removed, and a high number of platelets, which contain special proteins that encourage healing and repair. PRP is injected into the area needing a healing boost.


Sano Via - Empowering Wellness