Knee Arthritis Pain

An 85 year old female visited Sano Via for an opinion about treating her severe knee osteoarthritis. She had been in pain for years. Due to her age and prior stroke she was not a candidate for a knee replacement operation. Continue reading to learn how a simple therapy led to elimination of her knee pain.

Knee Arthritis Pain Resolved With Prolozone

Patient Background

Ellen visited Sano Via requesting treatment of severe knee osteoarthritis. She had been in pain for years. Due to her age combined with a prior stroke, knee replacement surgery was not offered (it was considered to be risky). Ellen’s son heard about the new therapies being offered at Sano Via and decided to bring her in to see what could be done.


Ellen was not able to walk much due to balance issues from a previous stroke. She used a wheelchair most of the time but was able to walk short distances with support, limited mainly by knee pain. When her knee joint was examined, valgus deformity was noted (“knock knee” deformity), and tenderness along the outside part of the knee joint line. X-rays confirmed severe osteoarthritis.

Right knee x-ray showing arthritic joint with near complete loss of cartilage on the lateral side (red arrow).
Compare to normal cartilage thickness on the medial side (green arrow).


Prolozone Treatment with PRP

Sano Via medical staff explained to Ellen that ProlozoneTM may be useful, especially with the addition of PRP. Ellen decided to try the Prolozone due to very low risk level and good potential for pain reduction. Ellen’s knee anatomy was examined and her skin was marked with the location for the Prolozone injection. A blood sample was taken for PRP extraction. The blood was processed and 4cc of PRP was obtained. With Ellen sitting comfortably in her wheelchair, the knee was sterilized with antiseptic, then cooled with ethyl chloride spray for a few seconds to prevent pain from the injection. A needle was inserted into the knee joint. The needle was slowly advanced to the correct position and 6cc of Prolozone Anti-Inflammatory Formula with procaine and various natural medicines was injected. This was followed by ozone injection directly into the joint, at a precise concentration that is known to stimulate healing and tissue regeneration. Finally the PRP was activated with ozone (to release growth stimulating proteins from the platelets) and was injected.

Immediate Pain Reduction

After the PRP, the needle was withdrawn and Ellen was asked to walk a short distance while supported by her son. To her surprise the knee pain was much improved. Further injections were booked at intervals ranging from about 2 weeks to 4 months. Each injection went smoothly with minimal or no discomfort. A pressure sensation was sometimes felt in the knee, which resolved later the day of the injection.

Final Result

After a small number of Prolozone injections (some with PRP), the knee pain was gone. Ellen was able to walk up the steps to her front door again. Injections were either painless or nearly painless and long-term pain reduction was the result. A maintenance plan was made to ensure ongoing healing an pain relief: Prolozone and PRP 2 or 3 times per year was recommended. Ellen decided to follow the plan and remains comfortable today.

Note: certain identifying information (name, age, sex etc.) may have been changed to protect patient privacy. This case report represents a patient outcome that we commonly observe. No therapy is perfect, so we cannot guarantee a positive outcome in every case. Prolozone is a trademark of Dr. Frank Shallenberger.

Prolozone Definitions


A term combining the words "procaine" and "ozone". Refers to injection of a mixture of procaine, vitamins, glucose and marine plasma into a joint, combined with ozone at a precise concentration.


A local anesthetic drug. Used to help correctly localize the needle when doing a Prolozone treatment, and to prevent discomfort related to injecting ozone into the body (can cause temporary pain).

PRP Injection

Blood sample with red and white cells removed, and a high number of platelets, which contain special proteins that encourage healing and repair. PRP is injected into the area needing a healing boost.


A form of oxygen containing 3 atoms (O3) unlike the oxygen in the air we breathe (O2). Ozone can stimulate healing and repair in the body, improve oxygen delivery to the organs and kill germs.