Low Back Pain
A 48 year old female visited Sano Via regarding her chronic low back pain. She had been in pain for over one year. Her family doctor advised pain medication for life. Continue reading to learn how a healing process was set in motion by a simple injection that led to elimination of her pain.
Low Back Pain Resolved With Prolozone
Patient Background
Lynn visited Sano Via requesting treatment of low back pain. She had been in pain for over a year. Her family doctor obtained x-rays and diagnosed “L5-S1 anterolisthesis” (the back bone at the L5 level had slipped forward slightly). Lynn was advised to take anti-inflammatory pain medication for life, since the pain was not serious enough to require surgery. Lynn was not satisfied, so she came in to see what else could be done.
Lynn advised that the pain was worsening. She experienced intermittent severe pain which made it difficult to get up from a lying position. It would often take her several minutes to get up. On examination, the middle of the lower back was tender (at the L5 level).
Lumbar spine x-ray with arrow pointing to L5 vertebra (back bone).
It was reported by Lynn’s doctor that the L5 bone had slipped forward, and this was the cause of her pain.
Prolozone Treatment
Sano Via medical staff explained to Lynn that ProlozoneTM may be useful. Risks and benefits were discussed. Lynn decided to try the Prolozone due to very low risk level and good potential for pain reduction. Lynn’s back was marked with the correct location for the Prolozone injection. With Lynn lying comfortably on her abdomen, the area to be injected was sterilized, then cooled with ethyl chloride spray for a few seconds so the injection would not be painful. A fine needle was inserted between L5 and S1 levels to a shallow depth (avoiding the spinal canal). Prolozone Spine Formula containing procaine and various natural medicines was injected. This was followed by ozone injection at a precise concentration that is known to stimulate healing and tissue regeneration.
Immediate Pain Reduction
After the injection, Lynn reported that the pain had improved, but not disappeared. Lynn was asked to return in 2 -3 weeks. At the second visit, she reported that the pain had settled for about 3 days then returned, and was again intermittent and severe. Her back was re-examined and this time there was a new finding of tenderness at the connection of the pelvis and the tailbone (the sacro-coccygeal junction). The tender area was marked. Based on the new findings, Prolozone Anti-Inflammatory Formula was mixed and injected into the tender location, followed by ozone. Within a few minutes, Lynn noticed the pain was gone. After 3 weeks there was mild recurrence of pain. Another Prolozone injection with Anti-Inflammatory Formula was completed.
Successful Therapy
With careful assessment and adjustment of the therapy based on Lynn’s feedback, complete and long-term elimination of pain was achieved using a total of 3 Prolozone injections. It was established that the mildly slipped L5 vertebral bone was not an issue at all. There were no side effects of the therapy.
Note: certain identifying information (name, age, sex etc.) may have been changed to protect patient privacy. This case report represents a patient outcome that we commonly observe. No therapy is perfect, so we cannot guarantee a positive outcome in every case. Prolozone is a trade mark of Dr. Frank Shallenberger.
Prolozone Definitions

A term combining the words "procaine" and "ozone". Refers to injection of a mixture of procaine, vitamins, glucose and marine plasma into a joint, combined with ozone at a precise concentration.

A local anesthetic drug. Used to help correctly localize the needle when doing a Prolozone treatment, and to prevent discomfort related to injecting ozone into the body (can cause temporary pain).

PRP Injection
Blood sample with red and white cells removed, and a high number of platelets, which contain special proteins that encourage healing and repair. PRP is injected into the area needing a healing boost.


Sano Via - Empowering Wellness