Surgical Scar – Severe Pain
A 37 year old male was referred to Sano Via for a consultation regarding severe post-operative abdominal pain. His appendix was removed with “keyhole” surgery (laparoscopic surgery) about 6 months prior, and the 2 incisions were getting more and more painful. Continue reading to learn how the pain was completely healed with a single injection.
Scar Pain Resolved With Prolozone
Patient Background
Robert visited Sano Via requesting treatment of severe pain coming from 2 surgical scars. He had his appendix removed about 6 months prior, through a minimally invasive technique using small incisions and a video camera (laparoscopy or “keyhole” technique). Robert expected that pain after surgery would be minimal and thought it would all resolve within a couple of weeks. Unfortunately this was not the case.
Robert described constant, progressive burning and stabbing pain around both incision sites. Pain was aggravated by his shirt rubbing on the scars. The pain was so bad it caused him to leave work and make a claim for disability.
Diagram showing laparoscopy surgery technique with small (“keyhole”) incisions.
Prolozone Treatment
Sano Via medical staff explained that Robert may have pain related to injury to small nerves, which were not healing properly. The risks and benefits of ProlozoneTM were explained. Robert decided to try Prolozone due to very low risk level and good potential for pain reduction. Robert’s abdomen was examined and both incisions appeared to be tender and sensitive to light touch, although the incisions appeared fully healed with no signs of infection. The skin was marked with the location for Prolozone injection. With Robert lying comfortably on his back, the area to be injected was sterilized, then cooled with ethyl chloride spray for a few seconds so that needle insertion would not be felt. A fine needle was inserted under one of the scars and 3cc of Prolozone Anti-Inflammatory Formula with procaine and various natural medicines was injected. This was followed by ozone injection at a precise concentration that is known to stimulate healing and tissue regeneration.
Immediate Pain Reduction
After the injection, Robert was surprised that the severe daily pain he was experiencing was almost gone. We asked him to go home and see if the pain improvement was sustained. If benefit was noted, he was instructed to return to inject the second scar.
Follow Up
After a few weeks, Robert returned for a check-up. He was pleased to report that the pain from the scar that was treated had completely resolved. He was eager to treat the second scar which was still very painful. The same Prolozone mixture was injected into the second scar. Immediate pain improvement was again noted.
Final Results
Robert was advised to return if any pain came back in either of the incisions. He did not return. We heard through a family member that Robert was back to work and had no further pain. We concluded that the Prolozone therapy had stimulated the damaged nerves to heal thereby curing Robert’s pain. Prolozone injections were either painless or nearly painless. Since Robert’s pain was cured, no further follow-up was needed.
Note: certain identifying information (name, age, sex etc.) may have been changed to protect patient privacy. This case report represents a patient outcome that we commonly observe. No therapy is perfect, so we cannot guarantee a positive outcome in every case. Prolozone is a trademark of Dr. Frank Shallenberger.
Prolozone Definitions

A term combining the words "procaine" and "ozone". Refers to injection of a mixture of procaine, vitamins, glucose and marine plasma into a joint, combined with ozone at a precise concentration.

A local anesthetic drug. Used to help correctly localize the needle when doing a Prolozone treatment, and to prevent discomfort related to injecting ozone into the body (can cause temporary pain).

PRP Injection
Blood sample with red and white cells removed, and a high number of platelets, which contain special proteins that encourage healing and repair. PRP is injected into the area needing a healing boost.


Sano Via - Empowering Wellness