Sports Injury Knee Pain
A 61 year old professional athlete visited Sano Via for a consultation regarding worsening chronic knee pain. He had been diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis requiring surgery. Continue reading to learn how a healing process was set in motion and surgery was avoided with a simple series of injections.
Sports Injury Severe Pain Resolved With Prolozone
Patient Background
Sam visited Sano Via requesting treatment for worsening chronic knee pain. He was a professional athlete involved in several martial arts. He had previously been diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee, which was severe enough (bone rubbing on bone) that it required knee replacement surgery. Prior therapies included pain medication and bracing with limited results. Steroid injection with Depot Medrol had been tried with minimal benefit. Further steroid was being avoided since it could increase the knee joint breakdown. Sam was not ready for knee surgery yet.
Examination revealed no significant knee findings except mild knee deformity. The most important issue was pain with any weight-bearing activity.
Knee x-ray showing severe bone-on-bone arthritis on the medial side (red arrow).
Cartilage and joint space are preserved on the lateral side (green arrow).
Prolozone Treatment
Sano Via medical staff explained to Sam that ProlozoneTM may be useful. Risks and benefits were discussed. Sam decided to try the Prolozone due to very low risk level and good potential for pain reduction. The knee was marked for Prolozone injection. The area to be injected was sterilized, then cooled with ethyl chloride spray for a few seconds to prevent pain from the needle. A needle was inserted into the knee joint. Prolozone Anti-Inflammatory Formula containing procaine and various natural medicines was injected into the knee. This was followed by ozone injection into the knee at a precise concentration that is known to stimulate healing and tissue regeneration.
Immediate Pain Reduction
After the injection, Sam reported that the severe pain had disappeared. Sam was asked to reduce heavy weight-bearing activity for about 6 weeks to allow maximal healing.
Addition of PRP as a Booster
After 2 weeks Sam returned for the next scheduled injection. He was then given the option to add PRP as a booster to the Prolozone therapy. He agreed, so 20ml of blood was drawn and processed using a special centrifuge and PRP separation kit. The blood components were separated: red and white cells were discarded, leaving a high concentration of platelets in the plasma. This platelet rich plasma (PRP) was injected into the knee along with the Prolozone formula and ozone gas.
Great Results, No Side Effects
Several further Prolozone therapies combined with PRP resulted in long-term success. There was minimal intermittent pain that did not require pain medications, and physical activity could be continued. All injections were either painless or nearly painless and near-complete pain elimination was the final outcome. A maintenance plan of Prolozone and PRP 2 or 3 times per year was recommended. Sam returns for occasional booster injections and remains comfortable today, while continuing a very active professional and personal lifestyle.
Note: certain identifying information (name, age, sex etc.) may have been changed to protect patient privacy. This case report represents a patient outcome that we commonly observe. No therapy is perfect, so we cannot guarantee a positive outcome in every case. Prolozone is a trade mark of Dr. Frank Shallenberger, MD.
Prolozone Definitions

A term combining the words "procaine" and "ozone". Refers to injection of a mixture of procaine, vitamins, glucose and marine plasma into a joint, combined with ozone at a precise concentration.

A local anesthetic drug. Used to help correctly localize the needle when doing a Prolozone treatment, and to prevent discomfort related to injecting ozone into the body (can cause temporary pain).

PRP Injection
Blood sample with red and white cells removed, and a high number of platelets, which contain special proteins that encourage healing and repair. PRP is injected into the area needing a healing boost.


Sano Via - Empowering Wellness